Monday, May 4, 2009

April & Early May '09

Our dear friend from San Antonio, Pam, visited us in early April. It was so awesome to hang out with her again. On her way to the San Antonio airport, she stopped and picked up some freshly made flour tortillas for me. Boy, were they delicious!

I took my three amazing boys to the airshow here at Robins AFB on Saturday, 2 May. This picture was taken in the back of an Army helicopter. We had such a great time! This was my first opportunity to take them to an airshow!

The next day, Sunday, 3 May, I took Hannah to Day 2 of the airshow because she was unable to come with the boys and me the day before. This picture was taken in front of the aircraft that I support, the E-8C Joint STARS weapon system. I was proud to show her my jet.

I had to include this photo. Look really hard and you'll see my little Hannah next to this enormous cargo jet called the C-5.

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